Fair Trade Practices

We promote fair trade practices and ensures that our members receive fair prices for their crops, working with local and international partners to create market linkages.

Fair Trade Practices

At TANAFACO, we are committed to promoting fair trade practices and ensuring that our members receive fair prices for their crops. We understand that smallholder farmers often struggle to secure favorable prices for their produce due to the lack of market information and bargaining power. That’s why we work closely with our local and international partners to create market linkages and secure fair prices for our members.

Our fair trade practices are guided by the principles of transparency, accountability, and social responsibility. We ensure that our members are fully informed about the market prices of their crops, and we encourage them to participate in the pricing process. We also provide our members with market information and analysis, enabling them to make informed decisions about their farming activities.

To promote fair trade, we engage in direct trading relationships with our buyers, eliminating intermediaries and ensuring that our members receive fair prices for their produce. We also work with our buyers to establish long-term contracts, providing our members with stable and predictable markets for their crops.

In addition to promoting fair trade practices, we also advocate for policies and regulations that support smallholder farmers’ interests. We collaborate with other organizations and institutions to promote fair trade practices and ensure that smallholder farmers receive fair prices for their crops.

At TANAFACO, we believe that fair trade practices are essential for building sustainable and equitable agricultural systems. We are committed to working with our members, partners, and stakeholders to promote fair trade practices and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Join us today and be part of a community that is dedicated to promoting fair trade practices and empowering smallholder farmers.


TANAFACO - Taita-Taveta Farmers Cooperative Society

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TANAFACO - Taita-Taveta Farmers Cooperative Society

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